Solar Links

Solar Links

Industry Resources & Links

Energy and solar analysis tools to help you understand the cost and payback of putting a solar system on your home or business.

Solar Tools

PVWatts - Performance calculator for grid-connected solar power systems.
SAM (System Advisor Model) - Performance and financial model designed to help estimate costs for grid-connected power projects.


DSIRE - Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency. Information on state, local, federal, and utility incentives and policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Federal Tax Credit Incentives - The Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP) is sponsored by a coalition of public interest nonprofit groups, government agencies, and other organizations in the energy efficiency field. It is designed to give consumers and businesses information they need to make use of the federal income tax incentives for energy efficient products and technologies passed by Congress.


SEIA - Solar Energy Industry Association

Information / Education

NREL - National Center for Photovoltaics
NREL map - How much sun does your home state get per year?